How To Get Pregnant With Baby Girl Naturally, For Those Who loves Daughters
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There are many reasons that hopeful parents might wish to have a baby girl. Perhaps you already have a son or perhaps you just have a personal preference about the sex of your baby. The only guaranteed methods of ensuring a baby's sex take place post-fertilization in a medical facility or laboratory, under the care of medical professionals. However, there are a number of folk remedies and pre-fertilization techniques that some people say might help influence your baby's sex.
1.Change your diet to change your body chemistry. Dietary changes can supposedly affect your likelihood of conceiving a girl by altering the mineral content and acidity of the uterine environment. According to this theory, a woman's diet in the weeks leading to conception can make her body more "friendly" toward X-chromosome sperm (which lead to a baby-girl) and less "friendly" toward Y-chromosome sperm (which lead to a baby-boy
2.Have sex 2-4 days before ovulation to conceive a girl. X-chromosome (girl) sperm carry more genetic material, making them heavier and slower than Y-chromosome (boy) sperm. Having sex at least two days before ovulation gives the slower female sperm more time to move up the uterine canal before the egg arrives. This is known as the "Shettles Method.
3.Have gentle sex and avoid orgasm. Shallow penetration is more likely to deposit the sperm closer to the entrance of the vagina, which is more acidic than the area near the cervix. The theory is that the acidity will weaken the Y-chromosome (boy) sperm while allowing more X-chromosome (girl) sperm available for egg fertilization.
• The female body produces a substance after orgasm that make the vagina more alkaline, which favors the Y-chromosome (boy) sperm.
• The contractions produced during an orgasm will help propel the sperm-up and into the cervix, which gives the boy sperm the advantage.
4.Know that diet may play a vital role in selecting the sex of your baby. Some research suggests that diet can influence whether you have a girl or a boy, although the research is doubted by some. Specifically, researchers say that a diet of magnesium and calcium may be helpful in conceiving a girl.
5.Avoid potassium and sodium-rich foods. A recent study found that women who ate potassium-rich cereals were more likely to conceive boys. Potassium-rich foods include bananas, salmon, mushrooms, beans, tuna, sweet-potatoes, and potatoes
6.Pursue sperm sorting techniques with a clinic. It is possible to sort sperm into Y-chromosomal and X-chromosomal sperm using a technique known as cytometric sorting, after which an egg is fertilized with the desired sperm using artificial insemination or in vitro fertilization. Because X-chromosomes are slightly larger than Y-chromosomes, sperm that lead to girls are able to absorb more fluorescent dye than sperm that lead to boys. The sperm can then be separated, and the desired sex of a baby can be chosen. Sperm sorting is highly effective, though it is not 100% effective. It can, however, be costly and might not be available for all prospective parents.
NOTE: The materials and the information contained on Natural ways channel are provided for general and educational purposes only and do not constitute any legal, medical or other professional advice on any subject matter. None of the information on our videos is a substitute for a diagnosis and treatment by your health professional. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider prior to starting any new diet or treatment and with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your health care provide.
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How To Get Pregnant With Baby Girl Naturally, For Those Who loves Daughters
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July 06, 2017
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