Expectant mothers struggle for health care after floods
(12 Sep 2010) SHOTLIST
Muzaffargarh District - 6 September 2010
1.Various of people unloading fruit boxes from ox cart
2. Mid of woman walking through floodwater
3. Wide interior of Muzaffargarh District Hospital
4. Mid of people waiting to register
5. Mid of crowded hallway outside maternity ward
6. Mid of pregnant woman, Sughra Ramzan sitting on bed in maternity ward
7. Close of Ramzan's face
8. SOUNDBITE (Saraiki) Sughra Ramzan, flood victim: ++Non-verbatim translation by interpreter at source++
"I felt lots of pain thirteen days before, it was very difficult to come here but finally I reached the hospital and the doctor could check me. First I could find some transport but then I had to walk through flood water and then finally got a boat. I came from Shah Ghar by walk and later by boat."
9. Mid of nurse getting information from Ramzan
10. Various of Ramzan talking to nurse
11. Mid of Ramzan
12. Close of new born baby
13. Mid of relative looking after baby
14. Close of medical equipment
15. Close of mother of new born baby lying on bed in labour room
16. Wide of relative looking after new born baby, nurse looking after mother in background
Multan City - 6 September 2010
17. SOUNDBITE (English) Zahida Khan, Pakistan Human Development Foundation:
"Especially females are in a very miserable situation because they need food, they need security, they need medicines because they are pregnant and you know they need very good food in this situation and milk and iron and calcium."
18. Mid of Khan
Mahmood Kot, Multan District - 7 September 2010
19. Wide of camp for displaced flood victims at Mahmood Kot
20. Mid of mother giving water to her son
21. Close of new born baby ++MUTE++
22. Mid of mother holding new born baby
23. Mid of boy holding his new born brother
24. Close of pregnant woman, Shama Mai
25. Wide of Shama with her children and relatives
26. SOUNDBITE (Saraiki) Shama Mai, Pregnant flood victim:
"I am pregnant and don't know where I will deliver my baby. Nobody listens to our request and no doctor is coming here. I have small children, I never got any food or any tent. I'm sleeping on a bed on the roadside, no one is helping us. If some one can help us, please for God sake help us."
27. Wide of camp
28. Close of pregnant women in camp
29. Close of pregnant woman swinging her baby in hammock
Health authorities are warning that the Pakistan flood crisis is putting thousands of expectant mothers at risk, with many marooned by the flood waters and cut off from urgently needed medical care.
Some 18 (m) million people have been affected by the floods - including an estimated 70 percent of them women and children - in the country's worst natural disaster.
The World Health Organisation estimates that half a (m) million Pakistani women hit by the floods will give birth over the next six months, and about 32-thousand of them will experience complications.
Many were malnourished and anaemic before the disaster due to a lack of protein and iron in their diets.
Now, with so many going hungry and facing diseases ranging from severe diarrhoea to malaria, they and their newborns are among the most vulnerable.
Sughra Ramzan was eight months pregnant with her seventh child when the out of control Indus River began to thunder down the country following extreme monsoon rains in late July, killing more than 1,700 people.
Afterwards she slogged through snake-infested waters on foot and by boat to reach a doctor.
"I felt lots of pain thirteen days before, it was very difficult to come here but finally I reached the hospital and the doctor could check me," she said on Monday.
She was given an ultrasound, some medicine and told to come back in five days.
to roads.
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ABS For mom
Expectant mothers struggle for health care after floods
Reviewed by Unknown
June 29, 2017
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