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How to tighten loose skin after pregnancy

loose skin after pregnancy
Follow our tips to help you tighten up your tummy after pregnancy
one of the easiest way to tighten loose skin is by 1) exfoliating, Get an exfoliating scrub and scrub your belly with it each time you get in the shower. This helps to improve circulation and regenerate new, healthier, more elastic skin.
2) drinking more water whihc will hydrate your skin, making it more elastic.
3) Use a lotion on your skin that contains collagen, as well as vitamins E, A, C, and K to help firm up loose skin.
4) Lose weight slowly because If you loose it too quickly, you may just end up with even more loose skin. It takes time to regain your skin elasticity
ABS For mom
How to tighten loose skin after pregnancy Reviewed by Unknown on June 26, 2017 Rating: 5

1 comment:

  1. Your blog provided us with valuable information to work with. Each & every tips of your post are awesome. Thanks a lot for sharing. Keep blogging.. tighten skin on my belly


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