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South India Postpartum Food

Different culture across the world follow different postpartum
diets. Each of those diets are focused on providing nutrition,
improve healing on labour savaged women" s bodies and also
enhance milk supply to the milk ducks.Following recipes are for
diets commonly followed( mostly in South India) by new mothers.
they are typically followed for the first twenty one days after
delivery. Eating foods that generate heat in the body is recommended for
quick healing of the uterus. Dry ginger powder (2to3tsp) mixed
with ghee should be heated in microwave or on stove . This
ginger mix should be taken with rice and salt before consuming
any other foods during lunch. you can also mix jaggery if you
prefer sweets option. Dry ginger powder is available in most
grocery shops.
ABS For mom
South India Postpartum Food Reviewed by Unknown on June 30, 2017 Rating: 5

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