pregnancy week by week in hindi | pregnancy ninth month | pregnancy symptoms in 9th month |urdu |
Hello friends, welcome to Ayurveda For You. In today's video we will talk about the pregnancy 9th month So let's get started.
Every woman during pregnancy is more than the child thinks. Sometimes small mistakes become big losses for the child. If you are pregnant and ninth month of pregnancy is progressing, so what are the precautions to be taken, we will discuss them in this article. Completion of the eighth month of kicks by the child will start to feel run. In the ninth month the baby kicks inside the belly starts to run, hence you will feel pain sweetish
Kicked in the stomach separate the love in your heart for the children awake. The final round is the ninth month of pregnancy, so it takes more precautions to be taken, not only of food but also their habits sit up. The child's weight is booming.
A pound every week, according to the standards of the child grows and the 40th week of pregnancy to the 37th birth are strong possibilities. If the child is born in the 40th week, contact a doctor immediately, even if there were, whether the pain came. This often occurs when the baby is moving around in the stomach. In a very difficult situation in the labor Handi white or watery fluid from your vagina came out, then go to the doctor immediately.
The doctor gave the date, the date must go to him. Sometimes women and negligence due to hesitation or what they think the doctor should not take pain clinics are not. This can be dangerous for you and the baby. The doctor went on the delivery date is not Complexions child increases the likelihood of such incidents and many, such as the child's stool by immersion, etc. infections.
Fever or blood pressure were more or less, then go to the doctor not to exercise the slightest negligence.
If you are a patient of diabetes and sugar levels suddenly increased, it is a warning bell.
Itching on the abdomen and chest is tight, light hurts constantly. Until then it is pain, unless the delivery is not. If this happens, use a good lotion and thoracic Moaishcraijing much pain to speak to the doctor.
Since the beginning of his house Refrijiretr Novan fruit and food that can be cooked easily keep. How long will delivery because it does not know.
Sudden weakness C will, sometimes you yourself will feel nimble. Fatigue, sometimes you will ever be full of enthusiasm. Enthusiasm of this will be that your baby in your lap soon.
The particular care of your diet, you can keep and own too.
Went before a date specified by the doctor to have a child, do not hurry. Nowadays, for instance, delivery to be astrologically auspicious time Vichrwa trend is harmful to the baby. According to doctors the child time to completion is the most healthy.
Many women are trying home remedies for your quick delivery, it is dangerous for the baby.
If you are doing jobs ranging from maternity leave his office all the tension out of the house and the rest by the doctor says. In the ninth month pregnant woman should not be the slightest tension.
Preparations for hospital
Put the two bags packed to take ninth month, in which you and your baby should be clean clothes. Phnaien not necessarily new baby clothes, her tender skin can be Rases. Bag a Mediketed soap, cream, comb, four pairs of clothes, a clean sheet, a cotton bag, tooth brush, tooth paste, etc. must be the imperative.
If you live alone in the house at the top of your mobile number of the person to register and hold, you can reach the most quickly. Landline phone next to a large number of his cronies must write in the paper, so do not be late if needed. Ambulances will be better if you make a note of the number.
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pregnancy week by week in hindi | pregnancy ninth month | pregnancy symptoms in 9th month |urdu |
Reviewed by Unknown
June 26, 2017
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