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How To Lose Weight While Breastfeeding Without Exercise - Losing Weight Is Possible

How To Lose Weight While Breastfeeding Without Exercise - Losing Weight While Breastfeeding Is Possible

If you've just had a baby and you're thinking about losing weight while breastfeeding, there are definitely some things you need to consider first. The good news is that losing weight while breastfeeding is possible and safe! The keys to losing weight while breastfeeding are moderation and patience. There are tons of resources available on the internet related to this topic, and there are just as many new mothers with the same goals and same difficulties as you. Find a forum and you'll be sure to run into more than a few people just like you!

For many women, losing weight while breastfeeding will come naturally. It's natural to put on weight during pregnancy and it's natural to lose it after. Breastfeeding burns calories, and if your diet does not exceed the amount of calories you need to maintain your current weight, the calories you burn while breastfeeding will naturally cause you to lose weight over time. You can burn about 20 calories per oz. of milk you produce and can burn about 500 calories a day feeding your baby! A pound of fat is 3500 calories, making losing a pound a week while breastfeeding perfectly possible without even trying!

Can you lose more? Yes, but not much. It is perfectly safe (and very healthy) to exercise after your pregnancy. This will not only get you back in shape and keep your mood positive, if you get creative you can find great ways to involve both you and your new baby. Exercising doesn't have to be in the gym with weights and a stationary cycle. Losing weight while breastfeeding doesn't have to be a cumbersome task. Have fun! Try going for a walk. Play with the dog or your kids (if you have more than one). Do housework to music and make it fun instead of a chore. There are lots of ways to get out or get moving without stepping foot into a gym. If you are going to more intense exercise, do so after feeding your baby so your breasts are not so full, and shower afterwards because the salt in our sweat has been known to turn some babies off.

However, intensely losing weight while breastfeeding is not a good idea. Toxins that we consume can be stored in fat, and released into the milk you produce if too much fat is broken down in a short period of time. This is unhealthy for your baby. Remember that if you're losing weight while breastfeeding you're going to have to balance a few different goals at once. Sure, you want to lose weight and cutting calories and doing fat burning exercise is the best way to do that. But, you also want to keep in mind that you're going to be tired. Taking care of a new baby is not an easy job, and exercise may take a back seat to pigging out on your favourite comfort foods. You're going to need to eat enough to keep a positive attitude and a healthy body, for you and for your baby. Although the quality of food has been proven to not affect the quality of milk you produce, it can easily affect how you feel and thus you and your babies relationship. This doesn't mean however that you have to give in to every craving. A balanced diet (with a few treats!) combined with light exercise can ensure that you'll be shedding a few pounds over the next few months.

Remember that losing weight while breastfeeding you just need a bit of moderation and patience. If this is something you're still unclear on as far as what you can and can't do or what is safe for your and your baby there are many experts and diet programs about losing weight while breastfeeding available on the internet.

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How To Lose Weight While Breastfeeding Without Exercise - Losing Weight Is Possible Reviewed by Unknown on June 10, 2017 Rating: 5

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